Definition of Rape Culture

"A rape culture is a complex of beliefs that encourages male sexual aggression and supports violence against women. It is a society where violence is seen as sexy and sexuality as violent. In a rape culture, women perceive a continuum of threatened violence that ranges from sexual remarks to sexual touching to rape itself. A rape culture condones physical and emotional terrorism against women as the norm.

In a rape culture both men and women assume that sexual violence is a fact of life, inevitable as death or taxes. This violence, however, is neither biologically nor divinely ordained. Much of what we accept as inevitable is in fact the expression of values and attitudes that can change."
-- Transforming a Rape Culture by Millie Buchwald, Martha Roth, and Pamela R. Fletcher

Rape Jokes: Who is Laughing?

Sofia Vergara, star of the show "Modern Families", makes a rape joke on the show "The View". During Vergara's interview, she is asked the reason why she looks so good and has a an 18 year-old son. To which Vergara answers:

Sherri Shepard: What, did you have [your son] when you were 12?
Sofia Vergars: Thirteen. I was raped

Vergara's comment is a quintessential example of how the subject of rape is taken so lightly. Apparently, rape is a subject which one can make humorous jokes about. To Vergara, rape is just an "excuse", a "light" joke, to why she had her child at a young age.

Sofia Vergara's ability to joke about being raped comes from the fact that we live in a RAPE CULTURE! The act of rape is not taken seriously.

First off, just the plain fact that she felt comfortable enough to say she was raped, and not have any truth behind the statement is incredibly disrespectful. Making a joke about getting raped when it is not true takes away from the seriousness of the act. It turns away from the reality of rape; women around the world are raped and it is not laughing matter.

Making rape into a joke also discredits women who are victims and SURVIVORS of rape. Joking about rape takes away from the seriousness the subject deserves. Also, an incredible amount of pressure is put on those women who keep quiet about their own experiences of rape.

If rape is a joke to many, how will women become strong enough to speak out about their experiences and demands justice? How will the act of rape be dealt with if it is something that can bring laughs to an audience?


  1. I think it is interesting in this video clip because when Sofia Vergara makes that comment, it seems like the other women don't know how to react. It seems like they are uncomfortable with the horrible "joke" she just made and they quickly try to move on. I wonder if anyone made a comment to her about it later on, after the show and away from the cameras. Mostly likely, this wouldn't happen as 1) they probably don't want to offend their guest and 2) since rape culture is so prevalent, maybe it didn't seem like a big deal

  2. I agree with Laura the vibe was uncomfortable shortly after the comment was made. One of the host even says"ohhh" after. It is weird to me why people would even joke about such horrible subject. I think Kenya is correct when she said rape is often underemphasized. It is because of the media ,including adult videos, why rape is seen as not a big deal. Shows make it seem like no big deal therefore, people say comments such as Vergara's because they too saw rape portrayed as nothing to huge. Rape can even be portrayed through lyrics, even though it may not say rape, the actions described can be considered rape. The media has managed to make rape seem like a "joke" somehow. This is bad because when people see how rape is portrayed, they think oh it is not a big. Those people become victims and perpetrator.

  3. UGH! I've seen this clip before. And to go along with your blog, I saw it on a show called "The Soup" on E! and they joked about it! The Soup is one of my favorite shows and i watch it every week and i remember watching this episode with my mom and both of us looked at eachother and were like "that wasn't funny!" I completely agree with you that rape is almost a casual subject now when it should be taken very seriously. Rape is something that changes people's lives and its offensive and wrong to make jokes about it!

  4. Interesting Kenya! I really like your blog :) Rape definitely shouldn't be taken lightly and it is upsetting that our culture does. I never thought about the desensitizing of rape through jokes so your post served as a good reflection upon myself!

  5. I posted that comment above! I was accidently signed into kelly's account :)

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