Definition of Rape Culture

"A rape culture is a complex of beliefs that encourages male sexual aggression and supports violence against women. It is a society where violence is seen as sexy and sexuality as violent. In a rape culture, women perceive a continuum of threatened violence that ranges from sexual remarks to sexual touching to rape itself. A rape culture condones physical and emotional terrorism against women as the norm.

In a rape culture both men and women assume that sexual violence is a fact of life, inevitable as death or taxes. This violence, however, is neither biologically nor divinely ordained. Much of what we accept as inevitable is in fact the expression of values and attitudes that can change."
-- Transforming a Rape Culture by Millie Buchwald, Martha Roth, and Pamela R. Fletcher

Rapelay- The Video Game

WARNING: Sexually Explicit Video and Disturbing Content

Rapelay is a Japanese video game that was released in April of 2006. The game is a 3D sex simulation game that follows the life of "Chikan". The video game character, Chikan, is described as a man who frequently fondles women in crowed subway trains.

The story line of the game is Chikan (the player of the video game) is arrested for molesting a young woman. The player's purpose is to get revenge by molesting and raping her entire family.

The object of the game is to "break" the female characters. By "breaking" the female characters, what is being implied is that the player of the game must molest the female characters to point where they enjoy being molested rather than resisting it. After this, the player gets to have sex with the female characters, whenever, wherever, however the player chooses.

"Sniff. . . Sniff. . .I w-w-want to die. . ." is the kind of dialouge that is heard after rape scenes. The player has the option to photograph the female characters after the rape, or rape them again. The focus of the game is to rape the women until the point they learn to enjoy being raped and become sex slaves.

This game is banned in the United States, but is still available for download on the Internet. Other similar games are available, such as Grand Theft Auto and Second Life. In these games you are allowed to rape and kill a sex worker, and "buy" a rape.

This is just a brief description of what is available on the video games. This is just incredible that this is even available to anyone. These video games are NORMALIZING RAPE!!! These video games are condoning rape fantasies and allowing players to "live their fantasies" out!

Not only is this game disturbing because of content, but also because of the fear it instill. This video game encourage rape culture to flourish even more. Rape becomes a mundane part of life, something that is inevitable, and that we should therefore always be scared of.
Rape is accepted and not punished in these "fantasy worlds"; this is a dangerous, but almost accurate reflection of what our culture is transforming to. Rape is being normalized and hyper-sexualized to the point that that women are expected to enjoy being raped!

1 comment:

  1. This is beyond appalling. I am livid!!! It makes me sick that this would even be allowed to exist whatsoever in the first place. It’s no wonder that the prevalence of rape is consistently increasing. You are absolutely justified in saying that this normalizes rape and condones it as perfectly acceptable. It establishes the “thrill” of power and domination and is practically creating rapists! I can only hope that the men and women of today who follow feminism, let alone any type of human decency, will teach the next generation to reject such unspeakable principles.
